Arghghggh! The Tampa Bay Bucs be sailin' towards winning waters again!
Ten or eleven fucking months since I made a non-sports post? What the fuck? Anybody still around? Anybody even care anymore? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, that's for sure.
Anyway, a few weekends ago, me, Shells, Mitzie, Janine, Kellie, and Nick were up at R & L's (or as we call it now, "The House"). During a break in the action, Mitzie, Alex, Shelly and I were bouncing ideas off each other about our blogs. Janine looked at us and said, "How about this? You guys actually MAKE an entry on your blogs! Helloooooooooooooooooooooo!"
And that's Janine. She's a nut. And honest. Don't ask her a question unless you want a brutally honest answer. Gotta love her. Great in bed, too!
She was right, of course. All of us chickie-boos have neglected our blogs, for one reason or another. Mitzie's been trying to claw her way up the corporate ladder, Shelly's been living the life of a happy-to-be free divorced woman, and Alex has been taking care of her own business (which thankfully includes me).
And me?
Congratulate my Irish ass! I finished up my degree! Woohooo! Finished up the end of summer! Finally, I can put that in my rear view mirror!
LMAO It only took sixteen years, classes at Florida State, the University of South Florida and the University of Phoenix....but it's finally fucking done!
And about work?
Well, when I started at this job (a law practice) a couple of years ago, it was a part-time position. I worked between 25 and 35 hours a week for several months. Then it shifted to full-time. It was a basic bookkeeping position, working with accounts payable and receivable.
I was working for a lady named Janet. She ran the whole department (which was her and me). Well, about two months ago, she retired. Guess who took her place?
Woohoo, I did! As Alex might say, "Yay for me!"
And I even got to hire my OWN assistant! I hired an adorable girl to work around 25 hours a week. She's an accounting student and so sweet and smart. I wish I didn't have to keep my hands to myself!
There are two types of employees: those that create headaches, and those that make your work life easier. She definitely makes things easier.
I've also been busy with a new guy. Well, not new. You remember that guy I mentioned in the last entry, the one that I slept with late last year? Well, shorty after posting that, we were talking on-line. He was interested in a repeat performance.
I figured, why not? Yeah, I wasn't overly impressed with our first meeting. But at first you don't succeed, right?
So at the end of January, we got together at his place. His wife and kids were away and Fucking A. He must've just had an off day, so to speak, the first time we met! He was awesome!
We spent the weekend together naked. Fucked in every room in the house. Fucked in the pool and fucked in the jacuuzi. By the time Sunday night came, I was exhausted. Exhausted but happy.
We've been meeting on a semi-regular basis since then. His name's Tom, and between him, Nick, my boyfriend and husband, I have four guys keeping me happy. Sure, one or two more might be nice, but shit, don't want to be greedy! LOL
Speaking of greedy.....
Shelly and I have gotten into a nice little routine. About once every month, month and a half, we hit a lez bar in the area and try to find a girl (or girls) to spend the night with us at a hotel.
Gotta tell you, I fucking love this.
Speaking of greedy.....
Shelly and I have gotten into a nice little routine. About once every month, month and a half, we hit a lez bar in the area and try to find a girl (or girls) to spend the night with us at a hotel.
Gotta tell you, I fucking love this.
We like My Sister's Room and Bellissima. And we've been lucky just about every time.
Our plan is pretty much the same every time. We go down, get a couple of drinks, and do some dancing. We scope out the bar and dance with different cute girls for awhile. When one of us feels that she's found a really nice, cute girl, she'll invite her to join us for a drink.
We talk for a bit and then make the offer. Sometimes the first one says yes. More often than not, we have to talk to a few different cuties. We haven't run into anybody that's been offended, though, so that's a good thing. But we almost always find someone.
Then we head off to a motel and have fun for several hours.
I love just picking up a girl--especially with Shelly--and just getting down and dirty and then saying goodbye when it's all over. Really reminds me of college.
I'll tell you this: you'd be surprised at how many married women we find. A lot get out when their husband's working or out of town or whatever. We met one lady in her forties who had been married, in her words, "forever." Her kids are grown and out of the house. She told us that she's been going out and picking up girls since her first year of marriage. LOL Hubby has no clue.
That kinda sucks. I mean, she isn't hurting him or anything. She just likes being with a woman on occasion. We didn't find out why she never told him. She turned down our invite but was flattered. She prefers one on one. That's cool. Before she left, she gave us her email. We've had lunch with her a couple of times.
LOL We've asked her to join us each time we've seen her. The last time she laughed and said we were persistent. Shelly said, "Well, persistence pays off!"
Before she left the last time, Cynthia laughed and said "Maybe next time."
Hey, check out the greatest remake EVER! Carlos Santana and Chris Daughtry covering Def Leppard's "Photograph".
Take it easy!