Several months ago, Tom--one of my boyfriends--and I were kicking it in bed after a nice little romp. We started talking about fetishes, turn-ons, and that type of thing.
And I asked him about tats. I think that's a big guy thing--nailing a chick with some tats. Of course he said yeah, he really liked that look. Hey, Ryan is too. Alex, of course, wouldn't get near a needle to get a tattoo, not that he'd ask her to.
And you know what? Neither would I. That's why they make temporary tats! I ordered a few online and needless to say, Tom loved it.
And I reaped the benefits of that for a few hours.
So what's new?
Well, remember how I made mention back in January of being the "office-manager-in-waiting"? Yeah, well, a few months ago, that changed. I'm now the official office manager.
As for Lindsay, my then-assistant, she graduated from college and took over my job full-time.
And she let me fuck her.
Okay, she didn't. But she is adorable. And I was so happy that everything came out the way it did. She had graduated and started looking for work. I was scared that I was going to lose her, but I couldn't ask her to stick around just on the possibility that I'd get promoted and my job would open up for her.
But Brad eventually did move back to Seattle and I took over, and Lindsay moved up. We ended up hiring another student named Barry to take Lindsay's old job0--which was my first job at the Law Offices of Blah & Blah.
What, you expected a "Dewey, Cheatem & Howe" joke?
Hubby's doing fine. He's NASCARing like crazy again. Hey, why not? He's paid his dues career-wise and can afford to play. He works hard during the week and then it's off to the races. It's his dream to buy into a racing team. I don't know if it'll ever happen, but maybe I could personally interview potential drivers for his team?
Yeah, he said "No." Grrrrrrrrrr! Always ruining my fun!
Anyway, I guess I could make a lot of sexually-oriented puns involving cars and engines, but I guess I'll pass on that.
Although there are a couple of drivers whose crankshafts......
I get asked a lot about hubby and our situation. But yes, he knows that I'm not Little Miss Faithful. There's a bit of a story to the whole thing. But I do love him. And I'll explain a little more about him and how we met and all in a future entry.
"When will that be, Lori? Next May?"
I also get asked a lot if I'm worried about somebody I know coming across this blog. Not really. Hubby cums...er comes....here, of course. As for like family and coworkers, I'm not too concerned.
"Lori" is a play on my middle name, it's not my first name. And I cut out my face and all that (which, for some reason, people don't really mind one bit....huh.....).
So what's going on at The House? Pretty much same-old, same-old. Which is odd to say when talking about group sex. Janey moving up has been a blast. She's incredible in bed.
The first time I met Janey was back in the Yahoo 360 days. I went to her profile and nearly came when I saw her profile. Soon we were talking back on forth on the message section and then got on the phone for some mutual pleasure. Well, mutual self-pleasure. We both came a couple of times. From then on, we got together on cam or phone on a pretty consistent basis.
Mitzie and her girlfriend CG are doing great. They celebrated they're two-month anniversary this past June. And I thought Mitzie was too young to settle into a relationship like that. Hey, I'm glad I was wrong. They're perfect for each other (and both look fantastic naked).
I'm still hooking up with Nick, as is Alex. Like Ryan, the dude can flat out fuck. Trouble is, with a wife and kids, it's tough for him to get away. Alex goes down on occasion and they fuck on his lunch hour--er hours--but I don't work from home like a certain blonde sexbomb does, so advantage Alex.
But one day, I'm going down to Marietta with Alex and give Nicky-boy a surprise threesome. Hopefully very, very soon.
Tom and I haven't made it back to those tennis courts yet! But I have fucked him several times at his place. Wifey-poo has been working the night shift (Ryan's always talking about fucking wives in their beds, the beds those hubbies sleep in and how cool it is.
He's right. I love banging Tom there. Sure, that's the evil part of me saying that, but it's still cool. Poaching isn't only for men!
So once in awhile we'll set it up so that I'll wait for his call after work. When he gives me the coast is clear text, I zip over and we have an hour of so of fun. She usually heads off to work around three, so it's usually not a problem. A bit risky, but hey....
Oh yeah......
I get asked about videos. Don't. I have them, I'll never post 'em. They're a pain. Alex posted one and said that she'd never do it again.
Can't say that I blame her.
Okay, I'm outtie! See you in 2014!
Or sooner.....who knows....
Oh yeah. Maybe Nick can slip out for an afternoon and take care us over and over again!
Yeah....we need to make him earn his keep!
Tap it, hit it, and then buy me a candy bar!
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