Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
So What's New?
In late January, I went in for my yearly pap smear (sorry guys, but it's relevant to the story). After checking my happy palace (snicker), the doctor started checking my face, my skin and my hair. She also noticed that I had lost some weight.
She then then asked me a host of other questions. She then said, "Lori, I think you need to get your thyroid tested."
Huh? Why? WTF?
"I think you might have a condition known as hyperthyroidism."
"You're thyroid gland is overactive. I think."
So I made an appointment with our doctor at North Fulton Family Medical and went in. And he looked over the file my gyno sent over and did a TSH test (and all the blood work and tests, cuz no matter what you go to a doctor for, you get blood work done--got the trots? Blood work. Got herpes? Blood work. Ingrown toenail? Blood work.) A couple of days later, I went in and met with him.
"Dr. Traxton was right. You do have hyperthyroidism."
"How long? Do you know?"
"No way of knowing. Could've been years."
So now I get to take medicine for it. The doctor also told me to severly curtail my drinking.
That's right. My bourbon. My precious bourbon.....my precious, wonderful, bourbon. But I knocked my drinking down by roughly 90 percent.
On the flip side, I feel a million times better now. The fatigue is gone, I'm eating better, and I've gained weight back. My hair is thicker. I feel so much better. Of course, knocking off the heavy boozing helps too, I'd guess.
And shockingly, I'm a bit less hyper. I've mellowed out a tad. I like that. I've always been somewhat high strung (shut up) and now I'm a little looser. Not all that much, but enough to notice a difference.
Buccaneer Lori has made an appearance and is venting her wrath on Bucs and Browns fans.
Trent Dilfer is still a douche, of course.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Lori's Back In Da Hizzy!

Danica Patrick is H-O-T! I'd like to bury my face between her legs and...... step on the accelerator! Yeah!
Soooooooooooo......your rave-fave porn star ain't been on for awhile. I know, I know. Start a blog and then ignore it. Sure, I suppose I could be more attentive, like my girl Alex is with hers or my boyfriend is with his, but porn stars, by nature, aren't very responsible!
So where were we when I was last here? Oh yeah, Nick.
Nick and I met a few times. The sex was fantastical. Is that a word? Anyway, it was great. I loved fucking him again. But he started feeling guilty and put an end to it.
I mean, I get the guilt thing. I think. Yeah, I get it.
But why should he feel guilty? I mean, he's a great dad and a great husband. I know that sounds odd; a great husband who cheats. But he was only--er, yeah, "only"--cheating with me and the only reason he was cheating is because his princess of a wife wouldn't spread her legs for him.
Seriously, if a wife doesn't put out, that should give him the right to get relief elsewhere! And the same for sex-deprived wives!
I told Nick to give it some thought and if he changed his mind, we'd talk about resuming our fun. It's not an automatic. He's not going to call me every six months to get off and be done with it for another six months. I'm a porn star, not a hooker. There's a difference.
Anyway, if he changes his mind, I might require him to play with my girls at least once. Shelly, Lexie, Mitzie and Kellie (should the last two choose to join the group again) would enjoy him. I'd love to have two cocks at once (er, well, again that is) and so would they. Of course, boyfriend approves.
Whatever his girls want...they get! Lunch, movie, oral, guest cock....doesn't matter.
Back to Nick. Or, more specifically, his wife. Isn't not putting out a form of cheating in and of itself? If a spouse doesn't put out, then he/she is robbing the other of something important. When my hubby wants to jump on Lori's Wild Ride, he gets to jump on Lori's Wild Ride.
And a wild ride it is. I love it when he puts his E ticket in the slot. And he is this tall, so he's eligible to ride again and again......
There's still lots I want to do with this blog. I want to repost some photos I had on 360. Here, I can post them without having to edit every little fucking thing. Yahoo would just come and take down my pics, even if they didn't show any frontal nudity. I do enjoy the freedom that Blogspot offers its users.
One thing is I want to write up something about my boyfriend. Yeah, he wrote about me on his blog, but I thought it'd be fun to talk about it from my point of view. Gah. I hate to say it, but meeting him really was one of the best days of my life. And I hate saying it because I know he'll tease me about it. But meeting me was one of the best days of his life, so we're even.
I'd also like to do entries on Shelly and Alex. And Mitzie, too.
Oh, and another very important person.....my hubby. I'm sure some of you are curious about him. ;)
Anyway, I thought I'd repost an entry I originally did on Yahoo 360 (Originally titled, "Suck It, Sarah!") about an affair I had with a married man when I was 18. It was awesome. I got laid and got revenge on a horrible, nasty bitch of a woman at the same time.
I guess you could say that I'm a muti-tasker.
Bad me. Bad Lori..... Bad, BAD, Lori.....
This is about a married guy I had an affair with many years ago. He lived and his bitch wife lived across the street. I was 18, he was 30. And Robert Redford handsome. They had moved in a few years earlier, not long after I started high school.
He was always pleasant and nice. But I hated the guy's wife, though. Total bitch. I don't know why she disliked me so much, but she wouldn't give me the time of day. And I mean from day one.
After I had JUST turned 18, I ran into their six year old boy. He waved at me from across the street and said "HI LORI!"
So I waved back and talked to the cute little guy. He was telling me about school and all that. So I was just saying, "Uh huh...., that's great" that type of thing.
So his mom saw me talking to him, shot me a dirty look and grabbed his hand. The kid started crying because he thought he was in trouble and even looked back and waved. I could hear that she was telling him something, but didn't hear what. Probably something to the effect of "I told you not to talk to her!" It wasn't because she thought he was wandering into the street, either. It was me.
What'd she think? I was gonna give her kid the clap just by talking to him? WTF? The wierd thing is, it's not like I had a rep or anything. I may have been promiscuous, but I was never the neighborhood or school slut. I dressed fairly conservatively (except in certain circumstances......LOL). I was pretty discreet. My parents never knew, how could she?
So anyway, the next day, Bill came over and apologized. I asked him why his wife didn't like me--I had never done anything to her. He didn't want to answer. "She thinks I'm a whore, huh?" He kind of nodded. I told him not to worry about it. I didn't care what she thought and that he and I were cool.
But as he left, I said, "Do you think that?" He said, "Think what?" "That I'm a whore." "No, I certainly don't." "Well, if you want.....we could get together sometime and you can judge for yourself." He looked at me with a shocked expression. I laughed and said, "You heard me. Don't worry. I'm legal. Barely." He laughed and said, "You're still in high school!" "Yah, so's my boyfriend. So what? You're cute."
So he just smiled and said, "Thanks....but....I can't." "Okay, that's cool. Let me know if you change your mind." "I won't, no offense." "I bet you will."
So I'm confident. What can I say?
I wasn't worried about Bill telling his wife. He was an easygoing guy who didn't want the headache of his wife storming across the street to tell my parents that I tried to nail her hubby. Besides, he did like me and thought I was funny, so I knew he'd be discreet. But really, I was out of line. Sometimes I cross the line from outgoing to obnoxious.
So when I saw him a few days later (I was washing my car--I like sports, hot women, clean cars, and red meat; give me a dick and I'd be a guy (which means Ryan wouldn't fuck me, the big jerk!) I decided to make amends.
It was 4 on a Friday afternoon and he got home a bit early. I had watched his wife pull out earlier, so I knew I could chat with him. So I waltzed across the street. So I said, "Hey, Bill?" Luckily he smiled. "Yes Lori?"
"You're not mad are you?"
"About the other day?"
"Yah, that. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"It's okay. It just surprised me. You're a little forward, you know."
"Yah, Mom tells me that a lot. Actually she told me that I'm alot forward."
I still say "Yah" alot. Drives Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Husband crazy. "Hey, Lori, want dinner?" "Yah." "What?" "Yah. Yah. Yah. Yah." "Hey Lori, you think that chick is hot?" "YAHHHHHH!" "Hey Lori, wanna come down and have some girly fun?"
Yah, I'm like that.
So he was cool. I really wanted to take him to the side of the house and suck him off as a reward, but I figured I'd already pushed my luck. Besides, I didn't want to snack and get full before dinner.
So we ended our conversation. I thought I'd better get out before Sarah the Bitch drove up and accused me of raping her husband or infecting her house with the herp. She'd probably call Haz-Mat over.
So I finished up cleaning my Toyota Corolla. My boyfriend,
We had fun that night.
So Bill and I kept chatting over the next few months. I graduated from high school and took a summer job at Penny's. I fucking hate retail. I fucking hate dealing with assholes who can't even read a fucking price tag. I fucking hate the general public.
But I was double out of luck. I knew a girl from another high school and we'd meet every couple of weeks for fun. We had met at the beginning of our senior year at a football game. But she started getting....I don't know. I think she just felt weird about playing with another girl.
It wasn't anything heavy. Kissing, hugging, masturbating together, some oral. I wasn't chaining her to a sybian or anything or doing her with a strap on. But I respected her decision. She was nice and I think she had a hard time telling me that she wanted to stop.
Hey, I TOLD you I was a wild child when I was younger!
So a few weeks later....I'm friggin' horny. And I'm in no mood to hang around the mall and pick up the first guy I see. So why not try Bill again? Hey, his wife wasn't giving any ass up, well I didn't think she was. So maybe I could entice him. Over 18, out of high school......hot little Irish girl....
So I was pulling my car in one day after suffering through five hours of "Can I return this? ("This" being something worn and then damaged)....I see him working in his garage. No wifey in sight.
So I went into my bedroom, put on a tight pair of shorts (no underwear, of course)--that showed my ass hanging out a little. And I threw on a tank top (no bra, again of course) and walked over. "Hey!" "Hey sweetie. How you doing?"
Heh. He hadn't looked up yet. Lolita was in da house! Or the garage.
"Good. You?"
"Just fi----"
"What?" "Sheesh, Lori. My wife sees me talking to you dressed like that....."
"Oh, then I'll just say my clothes shrank."
"I thought we had put this issue to bed?"
That was it. I got the giggles. Then he got them too. "Okay.....okay, I thought we agreed that we wouldn't talk about this anymore." So I said, "Well, I didn't say anything but hello..... but I never said that I wouldn't bring it up again. I just apologized." "So what's changed?" "Oh, come on. Tell me you haven't thought about fucking me."
Hey, I really WAS forward, huh?
"Deny it. Hey, I'm not looking to hurt you or your marriage. But I know you stare at me. You stared at my ass when I walked away after that apology."
"Looking isn't actually doing it."
Enough. Too many nights with Mr. Vibrator gets to a girl.
So I walked over to the switch for the garage door opener and said, "You have five seconds to tell me not to flip this switch. If you don't, I'm going to give you a blow job. Five...."
"Four....just tell me and I'll leave.""
"Three....I can see you have a hard on...but I'll leave if you want. Just tell me to."
"Lori, go ho--"
Sorry, Bill. I was faster. I flipped the switch and took off my top and walked over. Bill's mouth was hanging open. I said, "Go ahead....touch 'em." He did and I loved it. I won. He had given in. This would only be the start.
So I got on my knees and started licking and sucking and jacking his dick. He had been in dry dock far too long. And that was a HUGE shame for such a good looking guy. I had my hand down my pants and fingered myself while I sucked him.
I could feel him start to tense up and I knew what that meant. He took his cock out and pointed it away from me. I grabbed it and pointed it at my tits. I got a bath.
Yah! She shoots...she scores! Actually HE shoots, and I scored....or did he score? We both scored?
So I got up and kissed him on the lips and put my shirt on. Then I grabbed his hand and had him feel how wet I was--and I was soaked. Then I said, "Okay. I won't bother you anymore. It's up to you if you want to fuck or do whatever, okay?" He was drained. He hadn't cum in so long I think I wore him out! He said, "Okay honey."
As I left through the side door, I said, "I won't tell anyone about today either. It never happened. And don't feel guilty....I didn't really intend to leave no matter what you said. But next time, you have to ask--you have to come to me. I've done my part. But if you ask, I'll say yes. You can have me til the end of summer and then I go up to
Eeeeep! The words that came out of my mouth that day!
So I went home. Mom and Dad weren't home yet, so I grabbed Mr. Vibrator and had some fun. As I was about to cum, I tasted Bill's cum and that did the trick. I showered up and watched television the rest of the night.
I saw Bill on and off for a week or so. He'd wave and I'd wave back. He seemed like he wanted to talk, but didn't. Well, I had made the first move, so I thought he could come get me if he wanted to play. Of course, eventually he did.
About ten days after my oral conquest, I was washing my car (I REALLY llike clean cars) when Bill walked over. We made small talk and finally he said, "You wanna come over tomorrow?"
"Where's wife gonna be?"
"She'll be in
"You're not going?"
"No, I have to work a couple of hours in the morning."
"Okay. I'll keep an eye out for your car and just come over."
"Can't wait."
Then to top it off.... "Oh, Bill? What I'm going to do to you tomorrow will make that blow job I gave you will look like a fucking game of checkers. So get your sleep tonight, cuz your dick is mine tomorrow."
And Ryan laughs and tells me I have a mouth NOW. He shoulda seen me back then!
But yes, I'm that good. Ask Ryan. He hasn't even looked at another woman since meeting me. Well, except his cutie-puss wife that I'm in love with.
So the next morning I purtied mahself ups and put on some shorts and a t-shirt, pulled my hair into a pony tail and waited. And finally around 11 Bill pulled in. I went outside and he gave me the thumbs up.
So I ran over and we went inside and I attacked him. You know those hot movie scenes where a guy and a chick are making out and stripping each other's clothes off at the same time?
Yah, that happened.
I got everything I wanted. I got eaten several times, 69'd, and fucked over and over. The first time he fucked me, I was bent over his couch and he took me from behind. Awesome. Honestly, I don't remember how many times he fucked me, just that we did it in just about every position.
He was sex-starved, and I was happy to serve up dinner! Pussy: it's what's for dinner!
At one point, between romps, he confessed that--as I had suspected--his worthless wife never spread her legs for him. I told him then he had nothing to feel guilty about with me.
Seriously......if you don't put out for your wife or hubby, don't complain if they get it from somebody else. This guy was so nice and so good looking that it was a waste. But good for me. The less hard ons she took advantage of, the more there were for me.
And there were plenty for me. I gave him something I rarely give men: a standing invite that says anytime, anywhere. When it got to be around 4:30, I got dressed and told him that all he had to do was let me know that he wanted to fuck. If I could, I would. The only other guy I've given that to is Ryan.
Needless to say, once that first Saturday was done, Bill took advantage of my offer as much as he could. We'd meet and I'd give him nooners during his lunch hour. I'd meet him at the fucking Wynn-Dixie parking lot at night. Like Shakira says, "Whenever, wherever." A few times, he snuck over when bitchy-pooh was asleep and we fucked in my car or in the garage.
My period meant a few days of blow jobs for Bill. I went crazy on this guy. Part of it was that I was really horny myself. I was 18 and in always in heat--you know how THAT goes. Another part was that I liked him--he was nice, and I like nice guys (if you're on my friends list, consider yourself a nice guy).
The last part?
That bitch. That worthless bitch who thought that I wasn't good enough to talk to her little boy. Fuck her. Fuck her for thinking I'd somehow corrupt a six year old. I've been called my share of names. I'm a big girl (well, not literally). I can take it. But nothing hurt me like that did. I love kids. Yet I was trash to her.
So school time arrived and it was getting close for The Queen to drive up to
So after our last time, I thanked Bill for all the fun. He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I should be thanking you." And I told him that if he needed to find another woman, to do it and to never feel guilty for going out and getting what he needed.
I have no tolerance for spouses who withhold sex!
And I also told him that if he needed some attention during the winter break, I'd be glad for an encore. And if he wanted me next summer, consider it done. I also gave him my address and told him to call me and if he found himself up there, we'd have fun. He smiled. He liked that. But I think more than the sex, he just wanted to be close to a girl. His wife was so emotionally cold, I don't know how he could even stand her.
We did meet up on my winter break and had a couple of fun times. But in February, he called me up to say goodbye. He had gotten promoted and was going to be moving to
As for YOU, Sarah.....
Fuck you. I loved screwing your husband and doing what you were too much of a selfish skank to do. I loved giving him not only sex, but affection and the self-confidence you eroded. I loved seeing him smile and have fun. I loved fucking him ON YOUR SIDE OF THE BED with my head on your pillow!
I make no apologies for taking care of this man, even if only for a couple of months. Fuck, I'm proud of that summer. I'm proud that I made him happy. He made me happy, too.
Too bad for you, Sarah.
Glad I got THAT off my chest! I loved my fun with Bill.
As true now as when I first wrote it.
My property...er, my boyfriend.....told me about a site where you can look people up. I did find Bill. He's still in
Suck it, Sarah!
My only regret is that I didn't fuck him even more than I did.
I will say this: I don't know why Sarah disliked me so much to begin with. I was always nice to her. I was nice to the little boy. And I never flaunted my body. It's not like I hung out in the driveway in Daisy Duke cutoffs, and a wet t-shirt.
Maybe she was just jealous of every girl. I have no clue. But I sure as fuck didn't appreciate her or her fucking stuck-up attitude. What a miserable bitch.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Buccaneer Lori Is Up And Running!
Okay, I've finished bringing over Buccaneer Lori's 360 posts! If you like, you can check them out or just wait until she posts her thoughts on the Ben Roethlisberger situation.
And BL has plenty of thoughts regarding this bullshit civil suit that's been filed against the Steeler QB.
Her thoughts will please many Pitt fans, but that's just something she can't avoid.
Hehehehehehehehehe! Sorry, couldn't resist.
A Question to A Member Of Lori's Legion....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Coming Attractions
I'm just checking in on my laptop here. Nice long Saturday at Ryan & Lexie's house. Everyone's passed out except for me. LOL We go at it pretty hard and really get our money's worth. And that's way sex should be, whether it's two or more people involved: intense and long. The more you cum, the better. The more times you make someone cum, the better.
My baby, Shelly, is in our room snoozing away and Mitzie's cuddled up between our hosts in their bed.
Me? I'm sipping on a Diet Coke and eating a sandwich. Alternative lifestyles allow for late-night snacking, thankfully.
If you know me from Yahoo!, you know I like food. I like food a lot. I'm grateful for many things. Sex, the people I love, my job, being multi-orgasmic, the Tampa Bay Bucs are all on that list. But one thing I'm also grateful for is having a very high metabolism. Without it, I'd be round.
Nick drove up a few days ago and took me to a hotel and we did an encore performance. It was great. The guy loves sex and I benefit from what his wife passes up. She's nuts. How she isn't interested in getting this guy's cock in her mouth and pussy as much as possible is beyond me.
Anyway, it was nice to fuck him in a bed instead of a car. Car sex is fun, but you're really limited in what you can do. You're worried about people catching you and let's face it: your body can only bend so many ways. Let's just say that doggy style is much easier done in a bed!
Anyway, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So I'm going to flatter my favorite married couple and their blogs. I'm going to create some "side blogs' (as Lexie would say). Not too many, but one on sports (cuz I'm the fucking queen of sports, baby), my friends, and a couple of other things.
Yeah, he's got it made huh? We torment him, you know. We make him buy us lunches, take us shopping, carry our bags, listen to us bitch and complain about stuff, etc....
It's really cool. We make him fuck us and then order him to make us dinner.
Imagine your wife....times four. That's kind of how we roll around here. He's definitely outnumbered. Poor boyfriend...sigh.....
"Tiger Woods missed the cut at the British Open. Must be the economy."
"I was a stupid shithead who bought a Yugo in the '80s. I must've been worried about the economy in advance."
Another target of mine are Cleveland sports "fans". I like the Browns and watched them a lot when I was a kid. But fuck if I don't against some fans there. This goes back to last season, when Browns quarterback Derek Anderson was injured and the fans cheered it. So if you're from Cleveland and have an issue with me having an issue with that, piss off and throw yourself into a wood chipper.
Another important note: When doing a sports entry, I morph into a different personality. It's kind of a "Hulk" deal, except I don't turn green and have huge muscles. No, I magically become attired in pirate chick clothes and find a sword in my hand. My titties get bigger too. I wish I could keep 'em when I morph back into normal Lori mode.
Another will be devoted to those I love: my "family", my hubby, and other friends. I'll give you some background on how I met each of these people. I'm looking forward to that.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Monday, July 6, 2009
I Guess I Went Overboard....
Fuck that shit.
Here's my apology to anyone I may have upset. Go eat shit, bark at the moon, and throw yourself into a fucking woodchipper.
Heh. That work for you?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Today Was Fine.....
Now, aside from my playmates, I'm not that wild. I mean, I don't always go out and fuck in some parking lot. But sometimes you have to strike while the iron's hot. And you have to make the most of your opportunities.
I did that.
Man, did I sleep well. LOL And I pulled my butt outta bed around noon or so.
I opened my email and found an email from my boyfriend. As a safeguard, when one of us goes out to meet someone, somebody else in our "family" is notified. It's not a hard and fast rule, but a courtesy. So before I went out to see Nick, I emailed Ryan, just so he knew.
Well, I found out what HE was doing last night. Or WHO he was doing. LOL He had been working in his office when Mitzie did a little posing in front of her window and they ended up spending a couple of hours fucking in her apartment.
But he was cool with me fucking Nick. In fact, he told he that he was cool with it and that he loved me. I emailed him and told him that I'd be up around two for lunch and and his dick.
Sitting on top of the email pile was something from Nick. I opened it and he was telling me how great our lovemaking was, how he had missed that passion. How he wanted me so much.
Shit, who doesn't?
But it was a sweet email. And maybe I'll see him again, I don't know. I'm not fucking driving to Marietta every time I want a hard cock. I have my boyfriend for that. If Nick wants some of this, then he can drive up.
And that's IF I'm interested. I have a ton of shit going on in my life. I have four lovers. I have a job. I have a house and hubby to take care of. So I have to give it some thought. I could see fucking him every couple of weeks or whatever. That could work. Strictly physical. If Nick starts getting into an "I'm so in love with you..." mood, then it's over.
He's great in bed and makes me cum, so it'd be awesome if he could keep it strictly physical. And I could make him very happy every week or whatever. Man, I'd love to suck my boyfriend's cock while Nick drills my pussy. Then swap them off. Ryan could cum in me.....Nick could shoot his load on my tits....
I'd better stop. I'm going to soak through my jammies.....LOL
Anyway, I spent the afternoon fucking Ryan. He is a fucking MAN, kiddies! Made me cum more that Nick did. I love sex. I love him so much. Didn't get to see my girl Lexie because I wanted to get home and prepare dinner for my hubby who was due back from Denver.
So I got dressed and went shopping and by the time he got home, dinner was almost ready. He was thrilled to be home and after dinner, I had him shower up. And I joined him.
I sucked him. I kissed him. I jacked him. I rubbed myself all over his body. And then he took me to the bedroom and ate me out. And then he mounted me. He hadn't gotten to fuck me for almost a week and we made up for it. Between Nick, boyfriend, and hubby, I've lost track of how many times I've cum since last night. LOL
Finally, he fucked me from behind and filled me with his cum.
Man, I'm fucking wiped out right now. Happy....but wiped out.
No weekend fun for Shelly and me. Hubbies usually go to the NASCAR races every weekend. And that frees us up to visit Ryan, Lexie, and Mitzie. But they don't want to travel on a holiday and my hubby just got back. So Shelly and I will have some fun together.
It'll be nice for Ryan and Lexie. Mitzie has a girlfriend from Alabama over this weekend and they'll be holed up in her apartment. I think those two are falling in love. This will complicate things for Mitzie. She flat-out isn't ready to make any committments or stay monogamous.
LOL So I guess that leaves Ryan and Lexie to themselves. What will they do? LOL I'm thinking that they could use some alone, married couple in love time. Or they'll dial up one of her bi married friends and have a threesome. Probably both.
Shelly and I will also "perform" for our hubbies. They love watching us go at it. We'd love to do a swap with them, but haven't been able to convince them to go for it. I think we should just get 'em all hard from watching us and then drag their asses into bed!
Sharing is caring!
Sometimes, you don't get what you want.....but sometimes you do! I got fucked tonight. And it wasn't one of the usual suspects. LOL
An old boyfriend chatted me up on-line tonight. A sweet ex who was great at sex.
Now as you may or may not know, I'm already involved with one hot guy and three beautiful women sexually. Group sex, one on one....it's all incredible.
But hey, I had tomorrow off and none of my friends were around. I thought maybe I could pick up someone for phone sex. Hey, I was desperate. Hubby's in Denver till tomorrow night and I was in need of sex.
Boyfriend was busy. So was his wife. And my baby girl, Shelly, was too tired to fuck. So onto the internet I went.
So I signed onto AOL and after awhile got an IM from an old boyfriend named Nick.
I dated Nick for a bit back in 2003, when I was still single and in Florida. The fucking was always insane. He always made me cum a lot. And he was a pretty cool dude. But we never got serious. He wanted to, but I didn't. He wasn't a guy I wanted to spend my life with. But he had a nice, 8 inch cock and knew how to use it.
He got to fuck my pussy, my ass, whatever he wanted. Didn't matter--I always came several times. And boy, this guy could eat some pussy. Overall, he was just great in bed.
Eventually, we went our separate ways. He got married and I got married and all that. He has a couple of kids now (I don't have any). But we kept in touch on-line. Nothing steady, but off and on. When I got married, I emailed him, when his wife gave birth, stuff like that. Sometimes we'd see each other online and IM for a couple of minutes.
So he IMs me. "Hey Loir, what's up?"
We chatted and he told me that he just moved up from Florida a couple of weeks ago.
I could feel myself getting wet. No joke.
He told me that he was living in Marietta. Not too far from Alpharetta. Forty five minutes, maybe an hour. Not long.
We chatted for about twenty minutes and caught up on everything. It was fun chatting with him again. We talked about our jobs, marriages, old times and all of that. He was speechless when I told him about my sex life. LOL Then again, I can't blame him.
Nick has been on a more conventional path than myself. And maybe fidelity is boring, but it's also safe. But when we started talking about one night we fucked on the beach, that was it for me. And when he started talking about how his wife wasn't that much into sex after only a six or so years of marriage.....
Well, I had to offer, right? "Come on over. Let's have fun."
He was shocked. LOL Don't blame him. But the thought of fucking this guy again was driving me crazy. He said no, he couldn't.
"Yes, you can. My hubby's away. Make an excuse. Make love to me."
He said no again.
"C'mon Nick. She'll never know. I'll fuck you good. Remember how great we were together?"
He paused. I'm pushy. I know it.
"I'm wet."
I could tell that this was torture for him. I would've loved nothing more than to feel him cum in me one more time. But finally, I let up.
"Sigh...okay. I can respect that."
We chatted for awhile longer. Finally, he asked me if I had really, really been serious. I replied that I had. And he said it was a good thing that I was up in Alpharetta.
"I'll drive down. We can meet in the parking lot of Publix. We'll fuck in the back of the parking lot where it's dark. I'll suck you, you'll lick me, we'll fuck and you'll be home before your wife even misses you. Tell her you're going out to get gas or something."
He was almost mine at that point.
"Imagine how warm and wet I'll be for you. Imagine your cock sliding in and out. How close are you to that Publix on Johnson Ferry Road?"
He told me it was just a couple of miles. And he told me that his wife went to bed around ten.
"Let's meet there at 11."
That snack that was hooked onto that ring in the vending maching was about to fall.
"Do it. Fuck me. I've always remembered you....wanted you.....missed you...."
Now, for the record, I really didn't start hitting on him until I heard him complain that his wife wasn't putting out. Well, at that point, all bets are off. Sorry, if you don't put out for your wife or hubby....they'll get it elsewhere. My boyfriend has made a career out of providing this service. And to a certain extent, so have I.
We agreed to meet at 11. I was so fucking psyched up for him. I took off around 10:15 and had to keep myself from speeding. I was wet for the entire drive. I rubbed myself through my pants at a stop light and almost fucking came in my panties. When I hit the next red light several miles down, I flipped on the overhead light and saw that I had soaked through my jeans. I looked like I had pissed myself! LOL
He was parked a couple of cars down and made his way over. As he did, I checked my purse and got a couple of condoms out.
Our group (Ryan, Lexie, Shelly, and Mitzie and myself) has one rule: if you fuck outside the group, use a condom. We don't use them with Ryan and we're all on birth control. Ryan still fucks girls outside of our group and so do the rest of us (we're all bisexual). He uses condoms on those occasions, and I do as well. Lexie (Ryan's wife) and Shelly are way more into girls, so that rule is mostly for my boyfriend and I). There is the odd exception here and there of course, but that's rare.
When I put the condoms down, he was outside my window. Wow. Still looked fantastic. And so do I. I got out and we smiled, hugged, and said hello.
The store was just closing, and there weren't all that many cars in the lot, still......
"Let's go over there," I said, pointing to some of the smaller businesses to the left of the store. They were all closed and there weren't any cars. And it was darker over there--no store lights!
He hopped in my car and I drove over to the side of the last business. Totally hidden. Kinda. Well, enough.
We started making out. I felt his hard cock thorugh his pants. This guy hadn't been with anyone else since he met his wife, and I knew he wouldn't last long. I got him out of the car and leaned him against the building. I then grabbed a couple of towels out of my car and put them down so I could kneel on them.
Yeah, yeah, I woulda been a great head nurse.....
I pulled his dick and and started sucking him. It felt sooooooooooo fucking good. It felt wonderful. I just closed my eyes and licked his big balls and hard cock. Oh fuck....Ryan baby....you would've been so proud of your girlfriend--watching her suck a guy like this....
Another group rule: no cum guzzling (anal is also prohibited outside of the group). So I knew this stud would be ready to release two months worth of jizz so I had to be careful.
"Don't cum in my mouth, baby....."
I sucked him for another couple of minutes. My hand were on his rock hard ass and my lips were wrapped tightly around his cock. Soon, I heard him grunt and he pulled his dick out of my mouth. I kissed his rock hard butt as his sweet cum hit the ground.
I knew his cock would get hard again in minutes. Yours would if you were with me. I'm a fucking porn star, baby. I'm that good, and I'm that fucking hot. Sorry, but if you could be with me, you'd jump at the chance.
He smiled and me and I smiled back. I then put my finger inside of my pussy and then put it in his mouth. "Taste me, honey.....do I taste good? Want more of me....? Want to taste more?"
He did.
We went back to my car and I laid down on the backseat and spread my legs. I was so turned on doing that--showing myself like that to him....giving myself to him.
Nick crawled up and we kissed some more. Then he kissed his way down to my wet pussy. He just breathed me in for a few seconds, just like Ryan does. Fuck, what a turn-on it is when guys do that.
Then his tongue hit my clit.....my pussy.....it seemed to be everywhere. Nick then slid his finger up my pussy and concentrated on my clit.
And fuck, I came. I soaked my backseat. I was wet down to the middle of my thighs. I was fucking moaning, gasping, and crying out for more. And he gave me more. My Nick....my wonderful former boyfriend made me cum again and again, just like he used to.
He finally pulled himself up and looked at me. We were both breathing hard. I smiled and told him how much I missed him...how much I loved fucking him.
At this point, even though we were about as secluded as could be, we were pushing out luck. His time was limited and who knows when the police would make a routine pass around the complex. I opened a condom up and handed it to him. And he wrapped up that fat cock and mounted me.
We kissed hard and passionately as we fucked. I cried out every time I came. All he could do was moan and grunt. After he had been pounding me hard for about ten minutes, he lifted his head and came.
He got off me and took off the condom and tossed it. We got dressed without saying a word.
After we were dressed, I drove him back to his car. He laughed and told me that he never could tell me no! In a minute, we were back at his car. I kissed him deeply again and we hugged. And I told him that if he didn't want to hook up again, it was cool and we could just be friends.
He isn't sure, to be honest. He'll have to weigh how he feels today. I hope he doesn't feel guilty. I'd love to be with him some more. I'd love to see him fucking Lexie, Shelly, and Mitzie, too. He'd never be a full member....but a guy who could make the occasional guest appearance.
But if he doesn't....it's cool.
He did call me after I got home. He wanted to make sure I made it home safely.
And here I am at 3:30 in the morning. Exhausted....spent....and so happy and warm all over. I've masturbated twice since I got home and probably will again.
Welcome to Lori's Lair. It only gets wilder from here. Think you can handle it?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Friday Night
If you'd like to see larger versions of the pics in this slideshow, just click on the slideshow and it'll take you to the gallery!
I'm such an attention whore. LMAO!